Training course “GAIN, GROW, GIVE” IN BUDAPEST 25/9 – 2/10

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The main purpose of this Training course was to serve as a practical toolbox for participant in the topic of using sport as an educational tool for development and the promotion of EU values.


Sometimes it is difficult to describe such an intense experience in one page, so I decided to choose 4 word that characterized this amazing week in Budapest in order to transmit what we lived and experienced.


One of the most important topics of the project was #INCLUSION: we learned some activities and games which main aim were to develop the idea of inclusion through sport, a vivid example is the blended chess. It was interesting that inclusion it’s not only related to people with permanent disabilities. During the project we had the opportunity to learn more about two members with a temporary physical-problem and that made us think a way in order to include these two people on our game.

The second word I choose is #KNOWLEDGE because I think that I learned a lot about education through sport, team building activities, sport nutrition, orienteering, EU values, gender equality and a lot of things related with the country where the other participant came from: in this case Portugal, Cyprus and Hungary. I have also learned the importance of the debriefing that is the process of supporting participants to pass through the stages of the experiential learning cycle with maximum impact on the learners.

The third word is #CREATIVITY: we had the opportunity to work in a team and create a sports game in which each team had a main topic for the game. The topics were: Strategical Thinking, Disabled Inclusion, Gender equality, Eco-sustainability, Migrant inclusion, Healthy food and lifestyle. After planning the game, we had the possibility to implement it and it was a great opportunity to see what was good and the thinks we had to change. It was really useful because I had the possibility of cooperating with my team, listen the others’ ideas and try to find a common solution.

The last word is #NETWORK because one of the benefits of the Erasmus + project is the opportunity that it gives in knowing new people, listening  to their experience and take it as an inspiration for our lifes. It was a opportunity for me to ask for suggestions, share some weaknesses and help others by using my own competences.

What I take home from this amazing experience is the gratefulness for having the possibility to improve my competences about education through sport, develop my collaborative skills and also to improve my English.


This text was written by one of our participants in a project that took place in Hungary on 25th of September till 2nd of October. We can clearly see all the benefits that the Erasmus+ programmes have for the young people.


Our advice is to

  Stay  motivated and keep on learning!!