
TYPE: Small Sport Collaborative Partnership / Erasmus Plus
DATES: 01/11/2020 – 30/06/2022

COORDINATOR: Asociacion Espanola de Pickleball (Spain)


L’Orma (Italy)
Racketspeed Badminton Club (Bulgaria)
Right2Score Foundation (Belgium)
Bulgarian Sport Development Association (Bulgaria)


This project addresses the topics “promotion of social inclusion through sport” and “promotion of physical activity for all groups” through the sport of pickleball. Pickleball is a racket sport that is not very well known in Europe, contrarily to America and Asia, and that is one of the most inclusive sport discipline existing, as it can be played by children, adults, elderly and people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.


  • Promote physical activity for all social groups in an equal environment.
  • Promote the use of sport as tool for social inclusion.
  • Raise awareness regarding the potential of the sport of pickleball with regard to social inclusion of marginalised groups.
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