
TITLE: BOOST – Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents
TYPE: Youth – KA2 Partnerships for Creativity / Erasmus Plus
DATES: 01/04/2021 – 31/03/2023

COORDINATOR: Bulgarian Sport Development Association (Bulgaria)


L’Orma (Italy)
Vere Montis (Croatia)
Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


This project is a 24 months strategic partnership aiming to create new education and personal development for young people in Europe through delivering interactive educational formats and methods based on transversal skills development. Main needs that BOOST will supply
are: empower young people and youth workers; practical ,youth friendly e-learning MOOC for transversal skills development, user-friendly handbook for youth workers.


  • Implementation of quality educational and research activities, focussed on transversal skills development of young people
  • Development of practical BOOST Handbook for youth workers that aims to empower them to develop transversal skills in the young people they work with
  • Ensured sustainability of project results due to actual topic, sustainable outputs for youth development and wide dissemination of its usability and importance
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