
In this section, we publish L’Orma’s Safeguarding Regulation, which governs the tools for preventing and combating any form of abuse, harassment, gender-based violence, or discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, personal beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation, as well as for the reasons outlined in the European Directive 2012/2019 and the Delegated Law on the Reorganization of CONI and Sports Professionalism of August 8, 2019, No. 86. This regulation is particularly relevant for the protection of minors in the activities carried out by the Company.
The document incorporates the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 36 of February 28, 2021, and Legislative Decree No. 39 of February 28, 2021, the directives issued by the National Board of CONI, and the Fundamental Principles approved by the Permanent Observatory of CONI for safeguarding policies.

Code of Conduct and Organizational Model
Click here to consult the Code of Conduct and the Organizational Model.

Safeguarding Officer
On August 30, 2024, the Sole Director of the Company, Mr. Paolo Menescardi, approved the adoption of the ORGANIZATIONAL AND CONTROL MODEL and the CODE OF CONDUCT and appointed Ms. Sara Marini as the safeguarding officer and the person responsible for minors.

For information, inquiries, and reports: