
TYPE: Strategic Partnership for Adult Education / Erasmus Plus
DATES: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021
LINK: Facebook Page

COORDINATOR: Remenyt a Gyermekeknek Kozhasznu Egyesulet (Hungary)


L’Orma (Italy)
Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy)
Sivas Gelisim Genclick ve Spor Kulubu Denergi (Turkey)
Asociazia za Razvitie na Bulgarskia Sport (Bulgaria)
Visoka Poslovna Skolapar (Croatia)


This project sets itself to address the educational exclusion of adults with disability. Education and training, in terms of both formal and nonformal learning, are not easily accessible for disabled people, which leads to skills mismatches and massive unemployment – resulting in low participation and inclusion at all levels of society.


  • Provide educational opportunities for people with disability.
  • Promote personal fulfilment for disabled people through participation in education and training.
  • Deliver educational formats and methods of learning based on Education Throug Sport (ETS) targeted to people with disability.
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