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Useful contents for Project Designer, Project Manager and Trainers

1 Project managers, project designers (63)
2 Trainers, facilitators, teachers (44)
3 Case Story (105)

Track Map Clean – Celebrare i Traguardi

El progetto Track-Map-Clean è orgoglioso di annunciare il successo delle sue recenti iniziative volte a promuovere la consapevolezza ambientale e le pratiche sostenibili tra i giovani. Questo progetto si concentra sull’affrontare le sfide derivanti dall’eliminazione impropria dei rifiuti tramite strumenti educativi e digitali innovativi. Uno dei traguardi significativi del progetto è stato il corso di […]

Track Map Clean – Celebrating Milestones

The Track-Map-Clean project is proud to announce the success of its recent initiatives aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices among young people. This project focuses on addressing the challenges posed by improper waste disposal through innovative educational and digital tools. One of the project’s significant milestones was the training course held in Braga, […]

Unlock New Opportunities: Last Spots Available for EUSport LAB 2024!

Imagine a thrilling conference hall in Milan, filled with passionate change-makers, all gathered to transform the landscape of sports and social entrepreneurship. Among them is a social entrepreneur who, just a few months ago, had a brilliant idea but felt isolated in their journey. Today, they’re sharing their vision, collaborating with like-minded individuals, and sparking [...]

Unlock New Opportunities: Register Now for EUSport LAB 2024

Are you ready to discover new opportunities in Social Entrepreneurship and Sports Management?  This year, L'ORMAinternational proudly opens the doors to EUSport LAB 2024, inviting pioneers from across the globe to connect, share, and innovate. Registration is now open, and we welcome experienced social entrepreneurs as well as representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and sports [...]

The Hybrid Work Model for Modern Entrepreneurship

The ‘Hybrid Work Model’ has gained popularity alongside ‘Telework’ post-COVID-19, as offices reopened with restrictions on the number of employees allowed in offices to prevent disease spread and maintain productivity. As the world of work keeps evolving, this model has presented an attractive option for many businesses to adapt and continue their growth. In this […]

EXPANDING HORIZONS: Call for Projects in Sport, Education and Social Innovation 

At L'ORMAinternational, we are committed to fostering innovation and sustainable impact in social initiatives through sports and education. We believe in the power of cooperation and the transformative potential of bringing together various ideas to achieve a common objective. This year, as part of our continued efforts to support global social change, we are pleased [...]

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