Mastering Management with Trello

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‘Trello’ is a popular project management application that is well-known for its straightforward and visual job management methodology. The ‘Kanban Methodology’ is followed here, whereby tasks are visibly displayed to enable team members to arrange and monitor the status of any task at any given moment. Teams can better organize their time, increase productivity, and simplify workflows with ‘Trello’. Let’s dive into the world of ‘Trello’ to learn essential project management skills and leverage this tool to its full potential

‘Trello’ uses boards, lists, and cards to represent projects, task stages, and individual tasks respectively. This visual representation helps team members organize their respective work-load and understand the status of any task at any given time

  • Boards: Represent a project or a major task.
  • Lists: Represent stages of the project, such as ‘To Do,’ ‘In Progress,’ ‘Done,’ and ‘Review/Waiting’.
  • Cards: Represent tasks or items within a project. Each card can be detailed with descriptions, attachments, due dates, labels, and comments.

How is ‘Trello’ connected with Kanban Principles?

Trello’ follows a  methodology that emphasizes visualizing work, limiting work in progress (WIP), and enhancing flow.

  • Visualize Work: Trello’s boards and cards provide a clear visual representation of tasks and their statuses.
  • Limit Work in Progress (WIP): By limiting the number of cards in each list, teams can focus on completing current tasks and plan future tasks.
  • Enhance Flow: Transferring cards across lists facilitates the identification of barriers to process and simplifies the workflow.

‘Trello’ is a digital tool designed to encourage and enhance collaboration in a team. These priniciples help in making a difference with efficient workflows and simplified management. Effective use of ‘Trello’ requires understanding to organizational skills. Setting up boards, lists, and cards in a clear, logical manner is crucial. This tool is a perfect guide for project managers and assistants to improve their management skills. Then, the part of clear and consistent communication comes into play, which is a crucial skill to manage projects with ‘Trello’. This can include regular updates and feedback. For example, the user can tag team members to provide comments regarding any specific project or task and ensure that the members of a project or task are aligned together. Also with ‘Trello,’ it becomes easier to manage deadlines as the flexibility provided allows for small changes without disrupting the entire workflow. This ensures that the tasks are completed as per deadlines efficiently.


Using Trello effectively requires a mix of organizational skills, clear communication, disciplined time management, and adaptability. Taking full advantage of ‘Trello’ can ensure that team members simplify tasks, achieve success, and work to their full potential.

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